Come on, the pictures cost the same, go big!) You briefly have Neil deGrasse Tyson riding on the New York subway, but then you (wisely) decide not to reanimate that hornets’ next surrounding the unfortunate Tweet someone posted as a joke when they saw him using his laptop there. Sara Seager is inside the Gemini Observatory (the one in La Serena, Chile, rather than the one in Hilo, Hawaii. Michio Kaku is now speaking from outside of the Radcliffe Science Library at Oxford. You’ve chosen various pictures of academic and scientific looking backdrops to place behind the interviewees.
Now your creativity can come into full play.

When your production company gets the v video back to its studio, the editor simply makes a few keystrokes and voila! The green disappears. But that’s when the magic happens, and the good news is you don’t have to track down Penn and Teller in between shows at the Luxor to get it working. Actually it would be pretty horrific because (did we mention this already?) the screen is an awful shade of green. Now if this was an ordinary backdrop it would be pretty monotonous to have everyone in front of it. The camera shoots them so that one appears to be facing slightly left, another slightly right, and maybe one out of the five almost dead-on straight (believe it or not, this is not exactly a great shot so it should be used sparingly). The production company sets up the green screen in a convenient conference room and places your interviewees, one by one, in front of the screen. Did we mention it’s portable, so even if your video production company is based in Nashville, you can bring it with you? Yet another reason to love this emerald beauty. This is where your green screen comes in.

But, you would really like them to appear to be in locations that are a little more scholarly and credible than the all-you-can-eat buffet at the Bellagio or the Elvis wedding chapel (where two of your experts have decided to tie the knot or, as they put it, become a binary system). (Yes, that’s actually a real thing.) All of your experts happen to be in Las Vegas for a convention of the American Astronomical Society. Let’s say you need to interview several experts in a special area of academics, like astronomy, for a video you’re doing on spontaneous generation of a transitory third ring in the Van Allen Belts. This can be a still background or a moving one depending on your needs. the person in front of the screen) over any background you desire. Then it can superimpose what’s left (i.e.
Editing software like Adobe Premier (our preferred software) can isolate certain colors and make them disappear without making any other color disappear. You can tap dance in Taiwan, cha-cha in Calcutta, and do the electric slide in Edinburgh all within the space of an hour, as long as you have one of these. Thanks to the magic of technology, you can use a green screen to appear to be sitting, standing, or doing any other activity in just about any location in the world you desire. Or more precisely, being seen across the world without moving an inch. Now what, you may ask, is so special about this, other than the fact that it’s a particularly hideous shade of green that looks like the aftermath of an explosion at a Manic Panic factory? This, friends, is your key to seeing the world without moving an inch. Your options for creative backgrounds are limitless with a green screen