Read the full Chivalry: Medieval Warfare review Like its competition, Chivalry hasn't quite perfected the formula for medieval warfare, but it's a violent, fun time nonetheless. Though the lack of complexity sometimes works both for and against it, getting caught up in the flow of battle yields many hours of man-stabbing amusement. Lopping off appendages in gory displays of warrior aggression makes Chivalry: Medieval Warfare's up-close and personal melee combat a gritty and fulfilling on a primal level. What We Said About Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Though don't think you can easily climb to the top of the leaderboards by wildly swinging a mace around. The overall flow of it and the ways in which it limits how much an extremely skilled player can absolutely dominate the battlefield hit a sweet spot for me. It's not the most realistic medieval brawler I've ever played, but this is power fantasy, not a documentary. And with more than 30 hours under my belt, I'm loving it. The combat system is, of course, the core of everything. And in another clever bit of design, you recharge these powers faster by doing things your class is good at and should be doing anyway, like getting kills with your charge attack as the furious raider or blocking attacks as the stalwart guardian. Even if you're not the best one-on-one fighter in the world, you can still make a world of difference in big encounters by blowing your war horn and giving a hefty area-of-effect heal to your side of the melee.

I also admired that, within each class, special abilities tend to focus on supporting your team rather than simply making you better as a single combatant. In another clever bit of design, you recharge powers faster by doing things your class is good at and should be doing anyway. And while you'll see plenty of people in chat moaning about archers being too powerful, it does require a lot of practice and good instincts to make the most of them.

But the offensive monsters like the devastator and the crusader are a ton of fun. And shields, I found more often a burden than a boon. The skirmisher, who throws javelins, is supposed to be kind of a hybrid between a melee and a ranged class, but ends up just feeling worse at both than her specialist counterparts. There's a rogue class which gets a bonus to backstab damage, but I never really found that I could make the most of this in team fights or one-on-one. I was a little disappointed I couldn't just go crazy mixing and matching, but I soon found that there are kits to support just about every playstyle I could imagine, from a deadly crossbow sniper to a frenzied, axe-hurling berserker. You can also unlock new primary and secondary weapons within each class, so there's a lot of meaningful progression to work toward. Rather than having you build out a complex custom kit with all the exact weapons and armor you want, Chivalry has 12 set classes divided into four archetypes, with four available at the start and the rest unlocked as you go. I soon found that there are kits to support just about every playstyle I could imagine. And it might even out a bit once everyone gets a bit more experience and understands how these objectives work. But it's nothing that a few minor tweaks shouldn’t be able to fix. The ramp on Lionspire is pretty sticky, too. The bridge on Falmire, for instance, I've only seen successfully taken by the attackers once in the dozens of times I've played it. Sure, there are definitely a few objectives that feel unbalanced at the moment. One moment you might be pushing titanic siege towers up to a wall with ballista bolts flying at you from above, and the next you might be trying to loot as much gold as possible from a village and get it back to your cart before time runs out. Each has a good variety of objectives to attack and defend, exciting terrain and architecture, an effective mix of open areas and bottlenecks, and great overall pacing. There aren't a ton of maps right now, but I was pretty impressed with the ones we have. And that's how you build and keep a strong community.Ĭhivalry 2 catapults you onto stylish, saturated battlefields with up to 64 players in objective-based team modes or a giant free-for-all. There’s still a lot of skill involved, but it's easier to dive in and start getting some gloriously gory kills without feeling like you're a sheep surrounded by wolves. Its sequel, Chivalry 2 continues that tradition, and I think it's actually a better multiplayer experience because of that philosophy. While other first-person sword fighting games like Mordhau and Kingdom Come: Deliverance have tried to sell themselves on the realism of their hitboxes or the high skill ceilings of their combat systems, Chivalry: Medieval Warfare has always been unashamed to fall a bit more on the arcadey side.