Gameplay-wise, how does it compare to other games? Well, it doesn't play anything like a Souls game, so that's a poor comparison.

I'll come back and add them if I feel like it. I'm pretty sure there are more, but I forgot to make a list as they happened. One time I couldn't access the menu correctly, I could swap between screens, but could not scroll down to pick whatever item or weapon I wanted. There are some serious framerate drops, loading screens appear in the middle of battles, sometimes only a few steps away from one another. First of all, the game (at least on Xbox) is pretty buggy. I don't think expectations is the real problem. I don't think it's like Zelda or God of War. I don't think it's like Zelda or Okay, so, here's the deal. If you can get past the past-gen feeling then there's an amazing game waiting here for you. It tries to bring a breath of fresh air to the franchise and while it is a fun game it feels like a nostalgia grab based on the fact that it does not feel next gen at all. All in all, I'd give Darksiders 3 a 7/10. Fury was always center stage and I always got a look at her flaming mane blowing in the wind as I essentially had a watery mouth over how dope her armor looks. There were some times where frames dropped or the game didnt look as pretty but that didn't bother me as much because. And her whips ooooooooooooooooooooooo her whips just feel so satisfying to swing around. Fury feeeeeeeeeels like a badass being able to turn into a massive infuriated version of herself for extra damage. Boss fights feel like boss fights and some of them will make you pissed off. In Darksiders 3, I give massive respect to the design team. Like I said before, the setting and characters always captivated me when it came to Darksiders. You have to fall back down until you automatically grab the ledge and do a dumb jump animation to clear that ledge." Every. Instead of double jumping over things you absolutely know you can make it up to, Darksiders 3 says, "No, **** you. My BIGGEST gripe with Darksiders 3 however is the jumping. I give Darksiders 3 points for that for taking a new direction in combat and keeping it rather fresh. Now, instead of mindlessly spamming attack to kill things you have to time dodges/attacks to overcome your enemies. Opposed to previous titles, Darksiders 3 feels more like a souls game than a typical hack n' slash.

The combat can be clunky at times, dodges feel nonresponsive or finicky, frame rates can drop in the worst of times resulting in a potential death followed by lost progress. Firstly, Darksiders 3 does not feel next gen whatsoever. In D3, Fury must eliminate the Seven Deadly Sins to restore balance to the world. Darksiders 3 takes place after Darksiders 1 but before Darksiders 2. Darksiders always grabbed my attention when it came to the world the story took place in, the characters (protag/antag), and the story itself.